What is Retrograde in Astrology?

Astrologer in Thane | Bharat Madrecha | Vastu Gems

As we know all planet are in motion around the Sun, When any planet start moving in reverse direction called Retrograde. However this only a part of mathematical calculation in Astrology, If a person is born while a planet is in retrograde motion, he/she is immensely effected by the planet’s qualities. Because when planet retrograde they are most nearby planet to earth.
If more than 1 planet in retrograde at the time of birth, then the planet with most number of degrees in its sign will effect the person more.

Some Rules of Retrograde planets:

Sun & Moon are never Retrograde(Vakri) they are always in forward moving path(Margi), never get in reverse motion.
Rahu & Ketu are always move in Retrograde motion or direction.
Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury are not good if they are retrograde
Saturn is only planet which gives you more good result when it is retrograde in your chart.
After the Retrogation when planet again come back to forward path only Saturn is the planet which is Stationary (Time Period between – Vakri to Margi) for 2-3days. Stationary Saturn is considerd as most benifec
Except Saturn no Planet is Considerd as Benefic as in Stationary Condition.
Saturn retrogrades for 140 days and remains stationary 5 day before and after.
Jupiter retrogrades 120 days is stationary 5 days before and after.
Mars retrogrades for 80 days and is stationary 3 to 4 days before and after.
Venus is retrograde for 42 days and is stationary approximately two days before and after.
Mercury retrogrades for 24 days and is stationary one day before and after.

Each planet has it’s own percentage of time when it must retrograde. They are:

36.39% – Saturn
30.24% – Jupiter
19.76% – Mercury
09.33% – Mars
07.22% – Venus